Premature graying hair is one of the most common annoying things to handle these days. This has been face by many teenagers and often considered it as first sign of ageing. Many factors including unhealthy lifestyle, using of chemical dyes, shampoos and environmental factors sum up to cause premature grey hairs.

Coconut Oil And Lemon Juice For Grey Hair: Get Natural Color

The major cause for premature graying of hair is low production of melanin. So, using chemical products often results in causing hair fall, split ends and thinning your hair.
It is best to opt for natural remedies like curry leaves, fenugreek leaves, aloe vera that works perfect in preventing graying of hair and even to make it healthy and strong.
The first and foremost thing to do to prevent premature graying of hair is to follow healthy and nutritious diet.
However, when growing grey is out of control, use these two natural ingredients that will give you natural black color to your hair. These two ingredients are easily available in your home.

Coconut Oil And Lemon Juice:

Ingredients Required:
Extra virgin coconut oil
2 tables spoons of fresh lemon juice
What You Need To DO:
  • Take a small bowl and mix two ingredients until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Apply this mixture to your hair and massage it for few minutes. And then allow it sit for more than hour.
  • Finally wash this mixture with a mild shampoo and repeat this treatment once in a week.
How It Works:
Coconut oil contains lauric acid and anti oxidants that promotes healthy hair growth and provide numerous proteins and nutrients for your hair.
Lemon juice contains vitamin C, B, that helps to rejuvenate the scalp and promotes healthy hair growth by encouraging the melanin production which is often responsible for natural color of your hair.
The combination of these two natural ingredients will reverse the growth of grey hair and leaves your hair healthy and smooth.
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