Fortune telling is the practice of predicting information about a person’s life. Historically, fortune telling grows out of folkloristic reception of Renaissance magic, specifically associated with Romani people.
However, Hindus have used astrology, palmistry, alchemy and similar techniques long before, and these information are mentioned for the first time in the fengshui and astrology book of the Chinese – the famous I Ching.
Wrist Lines And Their Actual Meaning !

The use of palmistry and making people wonder and doubt the results of it hasn’t changed over the years. Today it’s still considered a pseudo science. Maybe because they see a gipsy lady do it for money, or as part of a circus….
Your “bracelet lines” as they’re called, are the lines that separate your palm from the rest of the arm, creating wrist lines. These lines, it’s believed to have a more profound meaning for a person’s life. At least in palmistry:
Mostly people have three lines, but a fourth line can also appear, which is very rare among the whole world population. Reading your wrist lines tells about the same information as reading your astrology and horoscope.
But to do that, you would need to learn and read a bit more information. This is a more simple technique for predicting your future. Based on the following information, you could do it yourself in a second!
First of all, count the lines on your wrist. Than let’s start.
First of all, the number of your wrist lines could tell information about your lifespan! One line means lifespan capacity of about 23-28 years, if you have a second line – you duplicate your lifespan and it comes about 56 years of life.
The third line adds up 30 more years to your life span. The rare individuals who have a fourth wrist line can expect long life and growing old, maybe even old enough to have their grandsons and their granddaughters.
The structure of the lines can also tell information about the wealth, social status and happiness, or as we say, luck the person has. The more the lines are irregular, unclear and with gaps in between the line, the more weak a person was considered to be and tend to shame and low social status.
On the other hand, people with firmly developed and clearly visible wrist lines are tend to be lucky and wealthier in their life. Also, if the fourth line would appear on a person’s wrist, it was believed he had high hopes to be a leader, a strong leading warrior or politician, king, writer, philosopher etc.
it was believed the fourth line developed only in very strong individuals, able to carry out the role of leaders and moving the generation forward.
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